Learn Your Way Home

curated credit expertise with

Matthew Wierzbinski

Matthew Wierzbinski

NMLS #245088


Learn More about your mortgage professional:

Matthew Wierzbinski has been in the lending profession for almost all of his professional life. He is a husband and father of 4 sons. He loves to ski and mountain bike and float down the river occasionally. He is easy to talk to and easier to work with.

PeakView Mortgage, Inc.
NMLS #: 1764010

Matthew Wierzbinski

NMLS #245088


Certifications: CO MLO# 100506308

Learn More about your mortgage professional:

Matthew Wierzbinski has been in the lending profession for almost all of his professional life. He is a husband and father of 4 sons. He loves to ski and mountain bike and float down the river occasionally. He is easy to talk to and easier to work with.

PeakView Mortgage, Inc.
NMLS #: 1764010

credit expertise curated, just for you

Learn Your Way Home

Trending Topics

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Score & Credit Basics

Learn all about credit scores, credit reports, scoring models and more.

Mortgage Essentials

Learn all about mortgage rates, types of loans, cost breakdown, and more.​

Buyer Alert

Learn all about trigger leads, things to be aware as a home buyer, mortgage relief, and more.

Credit IQ

Test your credit knowledge with our Credit IQ quizzes. Are you ready to be a homebuyer?


What is your score sense?

Score & Credit Basics Quiz

1 / 8

It takes a long time to improve a credit score.

2 / 8

Closing an account can negatively affect my credit score

3 / 8

Credit scores fluctuate frequently

4 / 8

The mortgage industry uses Vantage Scoring instead of FICO

5 / 8

A soft inquiry will not affect my credit score

6 / 8

I can check my credit for free once a year

7 / 8

A delinquent payment does not affect my credit score

8 / 8

If I have a high income, I will have a higher credit score

Your score is



Do you know what’s on your credit report?

Mortgage Essentials Quiz

1 / 9

If I pay an account in full, it’s removed from my credit report

2 / 9

Bad credit stays with me forever

3 / 9

Rental history will appear on my credit report

4 / 9

Poor credit history can prevent me from getting hired

5 / 9

I should not buy furniture for my new home before closing

6 / 9

My credit report includes my social security number

7 / 9

My credit report includes my medical history

8 / 9

Leasing a new vehicle will result in a hard inquiry on my credit report

9 / 9

Having late payments are acceptable as long as I pay

Your score is



Do you have the know-how to score a mortgage?

Buyer Alert Quiz

1 / 10

Trigger leads are illegal.

2 / 10

It’s ok to omit something from your mortgage application if your lender says it’s OK.

3 / 10

You can go to jail if you provide false information on your mortgage application.

4 / 10

Mortgage relief companies can keep your home out of foreclose for a fee.

5 / 10

If I need a mortgage modification, the best place to start is by contacting my mortgage company.

6 / 10

Opting out of trigger leads guarantees I won’t be contacted.

7 / 10

I do not need a credit repair company to help improve my score.

8 / 10

Buying a tradeline can hurt my credit score if the owner of the tradeline defaults on the loan.

9 / 10

There is no such thing as a legitimate credit repair company.

10 / 10

There are rules that debt collectors must follow when trying to collect a debt.

Your score is


Matthew Wierzbinski


NMLS #245088